Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sudden anxiety Arrivals

Sudden anxiety Arrivals pounding dizzy flying tension muscles neck behind head Panic symptoms Divert attention panic attacks Muscle tension physicians psychiatrists
Have you ever felt a sudden pounding, dizzy flying, tension in the muscles of the neck behind the head, and sometimes it feels like choking?

An anxiety panic disorder is characterized by recurrent panic attacks emergent (unexpected) as the result of intense perception irrational or excessive. Patients as if trapped in a dangerous situation extraordinary. The situation is causing fear and discomfort.

Panic symptoms and the factors that can arise due to panic can be read here.
Some ways that you can handle a panic, among others:

1. Divert attention, by stopping the negative thoughts when they arise, and divert it to things that are more useful.
2. Reduce activities that could cause a panic seemed to appear.
3. Breathing exercises to manage when the panic attacks came back.
4. Gradually learn to cope with events that can make you feel panicky. Do not avoid them continuously.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Depression depressed Organobiologis brain neurotransmitters Psikoeducation Socio-environmental depressive
Depression is a condition in which a person becomes so low ida for a long time and feel sad prolonged. He also became more irritable, and empty.

Someone who felt depressed were significantly reduced so that energy can not do anything , lazy, saw with a negative outlook, sees no longer valuable, and as if no end. Caution because depression is one of the main causes of suicide.

Cause of a condition of depression include:
1. Organobiologis factor because an imbalance in brain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin

2. Psikoeducation because of the pressure load factors psychological, behavioral learning effects of a social situation

3. Socio-environmental factors such as loss of spouse, job loss, post-disaster, the impact of everyday life situations other

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Working Breast Produce Milk

Mother's Milk estrogren hormone Sex hormone estrogen pregnant women breastbone pregnancy hormone prolactin somatomamotropin acini lactalbumin laktoglobulin hormone prolactin Prolactin inhibiting hormone (PIH) hormone progesterone levels colostrum hormone oxytocin breast milk
Mother's Milk  is produced from a collaboration between the hormonal and neural factors. This alone is enough magic. Come browse from scratch. Start from estrogren hormone. Sex hormone estrogen is a hormone produced by the uterus to stimulate growth of sex organs, such as breast and pubic hair, regulate the menstrual cycle. The hormone estrogen also plays a role maintaining the texture and function of the breast. In pregnant women, the hormone estrogen makes breast nipple enlarge and stimulate growth of breast glands. In addition, the hormone estrogen to strengthen the uterine wall during contractions before delivery.

Breast itself consists of a collection of glands and fatty tissue that lies between the skin and breastbone. Glands in the breasts will produce milk after a woman giving birth. Milk glands called a lobule that form milk-producing lobes or sacs. There are 15 to 20 milk-producing sacs on each breast, which is connected with the collected milk ducts in the nipple. The inside of the breast consists of fatty tissue and fibrous tissue that are interconnected, which binds her breasts and influence the shape and size of the breast. There are also blood vessels and lymph nodes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Puerperal Gymnastics

Puerperal gymnastics parturition pregnancy
Puerperal gymnastics is rarely done by mothers who have been doing labor. There are at least three reasons why people do not do it. First, because they do not know how gymnastics parturition. Second, because so happy and thought only child. Third, think of gymnastics, to get up it hurts.

Actually it is easy to do gymnastics parturition. Postpartum mothers do not have to perform various movements. Most just sit and cross-legged. In fact, when you still feel pain, while lying down can be done any gymnastics parturition. Not easy, because no one could be built.

But before doing gymnastics parturition, first consider your birth process. If the process of normal deliveries in the first days post partum could do gymnastics. Of course if you already feel strong doing it. If not, you can delay 2-3 days later. When she felt strong enough, you can begin to do so.

These conditions vary with people through the delivery process of the operating processes. If you make the delivery process with the operation, it can not directly do puerperal gymnastics as a normal birth process. You must wait until strong enough and no longer hurt when moved. Ask your doctor when to begin to do gymnastics parturition.