Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Emotions in adolescence

Emotions in adolescence
Adolescence (ages 12 to 21 years) known by the storm and stress. During this emotional upheaval, followed by rapid physical growth and psychological growth.

In adolescence, there are several phases:
1. Phase of early adolescence (ages 12 years up to 15 years).
2. Phase of the mid-teens (ages 15 years to 18 years).
3. Phase of late adolescence (ages 18 to 21 years).
4. Phase of puberty (age 11 or 12 years to 16 years), is a short phase and sometimes become problematic for adolescents in the face.

Puberty is the overlap between childhood and adolescence, so that difficulties exist in this period can cause difficulties in dealing with adolescent phase of further development. In these phases, adolescents experience changes in hormones work system (the body) which gives a good impact on the physical form (especially the sexual organs) and psychological, particularly emotional.
Emotional upheaval that occurs in adolescents can not be separated from the influence of neighborhood, family, school, peers, and doing activities in daily life.

Adolescence is identical with the social environment. Social environment requires them to adapt effectively. If the activities undertaken in schools, where most of his time there, is not adequate to meet the demands of turbulence energy, the teens often vent excess energy to the negative direction (example: brawl).

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