Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When you Menopause

menopausal symptoms Menopause hydrogenated oils caffeinated beverages alcohol
American Medical Association recommends that women who will or already entering menopause should consume foods low in fat and rich in fiber kana, such as for example fruits, vegetables, and foods made from whole grains.

Avoid saturated fat commonly found in meat and dairy products, also experience the process of hydrogenated oils, such as that contained in malanan many fast-food or food in the packet.

Some women who have tried to avoid alcohol or caffeinated beverages has been successful in reducing grekuensi feeling or intensity of hot flashes.

for women who had entered menopause should try a variety of options other protein sources besides meat, such as soy beans, legumes, low-fat milk prosuk. But that must be remembered, low-fat products (fat-free) are not always healthy.

Eat two to three servings maanan high calcium to each meal to keep your bones health. Consult with your doctor whether you need a supplement that contains calcium and vitamin E. Find the way to far away from stress and cope. Try to practice relaxation, regular exercise, spend time to spend your interests.

When you are a new experience menopausal symptoms, ask your doctor what you should do to stay fit.

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