Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Aggression and The causes

Aggression and The causes
Aggression is defined as a fight with a very strong way, like fighting, hurt, attacked, killed, or punish others. In sum, aggression is an act that is intended to injure or damage property of others. Aggression is a response to anger. Disappointment, physical pain, humiliation, or threats provoke anger often followed by aggression. Ridicule, insult and a provocation of the sniper threat against the anger that leads to the occurrence of aggression.

Some biological factors affecting aggressive behavior:

1. Genes
Genes influence on the formation of brain neural systems that govern the behavior of aggression.

2. Brain systems that are not involved in aggression was able to enhance or inhibit neural circuits that control aggression.
3. Blood chemistry
Especially the sex hormones is partly determined heredity can affect aggressive behavior. An example of too much testosterone in the body of men and women who are experiencing a period (the hormone estrogen and decreases progresteron).

4. Failure of parent-child communication.

5. The condition of someone who grew up in poverty.
He must compete with others for money (eg, street buskers). Or when he was already familiar with the childhood of violence (both saw his own treatment fistfight, and feel it yourself).

6. Anonymity
Various kinds of information that make one person more diverse with other people no longer know each other or know well.

7. An increasing air temperature
A high environmental temperature has an impact on social behavior in the form of increased aggressiveness.

8. Events, and games that menampikan scenes of violence.

9. The feeling frustrated, annoyed with himself or the situation.

10. Education authoritarian discipline (achieved with violence), for example, physical punishment, can cause a variety of bad effects for adolescents.

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