Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 Beware of weight-increasing trap

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7 Beware of weight-increasing trap
Each woman must be afraid of being fat. Various methods are used in order to lose weight so ideal. The most feared is the obesity that occurs precisely because of pregnancy.

Once a Mom, unwittingly daily habits began to change. Snacking while watching cartoons with my child or accompany him to play while sitting around a big share of the increasing numbers on the scale.

If you burn less than 100 calories per day compared to before having children, your weight will increase by 5 kg within a year. The good news, the mother does not always have a package with body fat, if you know how to avoid common pitfalls like this.

Serves meals are not adjusted
When pregnant, you will need additional food intake approximately 300 calories per day. Number had risen to 500 calories a day when you are breastfeeding. So usually you allow yourself to eat more than usual. So do not get pregnant and lactating women, the body's metabolism slows down to like before you get pregnant. Then, adjust your body with the changes. How, by reducing approximately 2 tablespoons of the portion normally. Habits during pregnancy that need to be maintained is a healthy lifestyle such as exercising diligent, stay away from cigarettes, and get enough rest.

Most sit
Every day, you make time for so many hours watching the little playground. But it just sat there alone will not reduce / burn calories. As she accompanied the little one was relaxing, you can turn on a video or weight-training exercises with dumbbells. Or the other way, set an up-beat music, and dance with your baby until satisfied. In addition to fun for the kids, to you and teach them to always actively engaged.

Accustomed to snacking with my little one
You take a small snack when accompany the dinner, but after her husband came home from work, you go back with him a real dinner. Do not be surprised if the layer of fat on the body thicker.
In fact, snacking is not prohibited activities, provided you do it in small portions. Or the other way, replace the snacks you and your child with fruit.

Feeling guilty for the gym
Almost all parents feel guilty leaving their children a few hours for a workout or just take a walk just refreshes the mind. After becoming a mom, you are more difficult to find time to enjoy รข € ~ Timea € ™ me. However, being a good parent is also highly dependent on your happiness and if you feel comfortable with yourself.

Try to think creatively to find a gap of time so you can still exercise. For example choose a place close to home gym or workout so the husband was at home. Just 10 minutes of taking the time to practice is also good enough. What is important, schedule of activities exercising regularly. If you keep waiting until I had time, in the end you will never succeed exercise. A mama almost no time to spare if not he himself who invented it.

Cooking foods high in fat
Most children are reluctant to touch the food such as vegetables, so most of you are juggling with a customized cooking dinner with the wishes of the minor, such as chicken nuggets, fries, meatballs, and other fatty foods.

You can try with a healthier way. Ie restrict the types of preserved foods and fried. You also can cut vegetables into small pieces so your child want to eat it.

You cool with weight
For Mom, there are many many other things more important to address matters now rather than weight. More and more you spend time and energy to take care of the kids, the more you do not pay attention to how your body shape now. It's good when you're not obsessed with the ideal body shape, but, on the other hand, keep your weight is not solely for the sake of aesthetics. Even more important is that you are healthy.

The solution, you can still undergo a healthy diet (no need to become obsessed) by considering the benefits that will you get if successful to maintain ideal weight.

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