Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Comedones acne? No More !

Comedones acne
Blackheads are dirt plug the pores are small. Therefore often overlooked when we clean the face. Blackheads are black or white. Blackheads make a face look dirty, and dull.

Comedones arise because of excessive oil buildup on the face. Comedones may also be caused by dead skin cells. Comedones generally appear in the T area (region forehead, nose, and chin), even under the eyes and chin.

Eliminating blackheads can not be done by press it. Because the press it, it will stimulate acne blackheads become purulent. Another effect is that it can cause infection, and worsen the condition of the face. Surely you do not want it happens at your face instead?

Comedones consists of two types, namely:
1. Pores of the face as if enlarged and black. This type is known as comedones open comedones (blackhead). These blackheads are black because it is oxidized by air.
2. Comedones appear as small bumps beneath the skin. These comedones are behind a layer of the epidermis and is blocked because of dirt, too fat. This is known as blackheads blackheads closed (whitehead).

The first step you should do so blackheads disappear, is to recognize facial skin types. By identifying your skin type, you will more easily choose the right facial cleanser product, so the face will be clean of oil. Would face really clean, fresh, and chewy. Such conditions will make the blackheads will not appear. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type you have.

Facial products can also be a cause of blackheads. For instance in the form of facial cleansing milk, skin protection from the sun, foundation, powder, shampoo and even conditioner.

Living healthy with adequate sleep and rest. Avoid stress and eating nutritious foods. Do not forget to limiting consumption of chocolate, nuts, eggs, cheese, avocado, durian, all types of milk, fried, coconut milk, fat, shellfish and other foods that are high in fat.

You can also consult a dermatologist. Generally a doctor will recommend the use of drugs, facials, and laser assistance if blackheads already in excess capacity. Facial is one method to remove the blackheads on your face. Do facials on a regular basis after the menstrual period, to avoid the hormones and glands sebasia changes during menstruation.

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