Saturday, July 17, 2010

High Blood Sugar Affect Mental Diabetisi

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High Blood Sugar
Diabetes sufferers if decreased mental function and mood, may need to be immediately checked his blood sugar levels. Because according to recent research, which increased high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) will affect the mental and the mood of patients with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes type 2 diabetes is the most patient. Type 2 diabetes was once called adult type diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes is not (NIDDM, Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus).

This research was conducted on 20 participants, average age 61 years, and has suffered from diabetes for six years. They all have got a variety of treatments, from anti-diabetic drugs orally (taken) to injections of insulin.

Participants were then given intravenous glucose to obtain a high concentration of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia). During this process progresses, the participants performed a test on the level of attention, memory and ability to process information.

The result, in circumstances of acute hyperglycemia, the ability and speed of information processing, memory and attention, was disrupted. In addition, participants also experienced a mood disorder, they lose a sense of excitement and an increase in anxiety, fatigue and restlessness.

So Diabetese who show signs of decline in mental function and mood, need to get immediate treatment. This can happen after they eat.

Source: Journal of Diabetes Care

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