Monday, July 19, 2010


Be careful, because the fat tends to obesity, and high in fat is one of the major risk factor for gallstones in the body increase. There are five known disease risk factors, namely women, aged 40 years, obese, having many children, and likes to consume food that is delicious. But make no mistake, it does not mean he will not be affected by gallstones.

In addition to these five factors, there are also other factors, such as the effect of estrogen hormone levels in women taking oral contraceptives, genetics, and diet all of a sudden. Diet suddenly meant an abrupt halt fat consumption to people who want to lost weight.

People who have disturbances in the process of formation of red blood cells, such as thalassemia patients, at risk of esophageal, gall stones, because the blood cells that often breaks will serve as material for bile form crystals.

Pregnant women are also vulnerable to gall stones, caused by the slowing of bile flow and movement of the lack of gall bladder contraction movements. In the gallbladder, the stones can cause inflammation, which called kolestitis acute, because there are pieces of gallstones in the bile duct causing pain. Stone through the gall bladder can be related to the liver and bile duct, thus stopping the flow of bile into the digestive tract.

Another factor that could trigger a person attacked by gall stones in the form of the protein contained in the fluids that formed the gall bladder mucus in small quantities. This allows cholesterol, bilirubin, and calcium salt crystals to form solid particles.

There are two easy steps to prevent gallstones, namely:
- Treat this through the digestive tract infections
- Avoid fatty foods and fried so low in body fat.

There are two types of gallstones are cholesterol stones and pigment stones. Cholesterol stones caused by disruption of cholesterol metabolismo because certain diseases, such as disipidemia (high colesterol and triglyceride levels), or other disorders that cause cholesterol stones. Pigment stones are mostly caused by biliary tract infections.

Cholesterol stones formed from the yellow and shiny like oil. Stones consisting of bilirubin pigment can be black and hard, fragile or dark brown. Also vary in size, Namur average 1 to 2 cm in diameter.

Small cholesterol stones can be cured with use medicine. Treatment techniques are often used is the minimum operating invalsif through laparoscopic surgery. Surgery has been carried out in Indonesia since 1991. Surgery was performed by making a small hole in the abdominal wall and lifted the gall bladder with a special instrument using endokamera system through a computer monitor.

Therapeutic endoscopy has also been widely used in Indonesia. How it works, tools endoscope is inserted through the mouth, so no need to dissect the abdominal wall. Therapeutic endoscopy performed without using general anesthesia.

While other operating technique is laparoscopic cholecystectomy and endoscopic sfingterotmi.

Gallbladder removal action if not done as a whole, as only a partial lifting gall bladder, gall bladder or just cleaned, then it is likely to re-attacked quite large.

Gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that small, located in the right abdomen, and hidden under the liver. Gall bladder stores bile produced by the liver. During the meal, the gall bladder will be contracted (shrunk) so spend a little green bile into the small intestine browned. This function of bile in the absorption of fat and some vitamins, for example, only vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K.

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