Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Life Without Breast Cancer

breast cancer hormone therapy
Happy Life Without Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer in women. Various studies about breast cancer is currently booming.
Breast cancer in addition to attacking the woman, also can attack the men with symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer may be the same as that experienced by women. Until recently, many researchers tried to find information about the main causes of breast cancer and ways of prevention or treatment of disease.

Breast cancer comes from a group of abnormal cells that continue to grow. Cancer cells can hide inside our bodies for years without the owner knowing, and active suddenly becomes a malignant tumor by forming a lump in the breast. If this is not controlled, cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body and can ultimately lead to death.

Who is the biggest risk factors are prone to breast cancer? Breast cancer usually attacks women aged more than 30 years, never had a history of breast cancer, never married, married but never gave birth to children, not breastfeeding, getting the first menstrual period at a very young age, and tend to occur in women with excessive body weight .

According to the book Your Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment, breast cancer treatment can be done by surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemical therapy or chemotherapy. Numerous studies indicate that consumption of fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of breast cancer. This is because these foods contain high antioxidant, which can prevent cell damage that can causing cancer. Other studies have also shown that monounsaturated fats, like olive oil, can protect us from breast cancer. While saturated fats, such as those found in meat and butter, can increase the risk of breast cancer.

By looking at the progress of knowledge and information about breast cancer, we must understand how to live happily without tormented by breast cancer

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