Sunday, April 11, 2010

On Pre-eclampsia alert!

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On Pre-eclampsia alert
Pre-eclampsia is an early symptom of eclampsia, namely poisoning in pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia often appear in the third trimester of pregnancy. Usually? these disorders often occur at 20 weeks gestation and in women who are pregnant with their first child.

What are the symptoms?
Pre-eclampsia is generally characterized by symptoms as follows:
1. Increased blood pressure significantly (hypertension) to more than 140/90 mmHg.
2. That it contains protein in the urine.
3. Swelling of the ankles, hands and face. But what often happens is swelling in the legs.

Other symptoms which should also be aware that:
1. Dizziness is great, especially on the forehead above the eyes which allegedly caused by rising blood pressure.
Drastic weight gain (eg: an increase of 1 kg per week).
2. Vision problems, such as eyes dazed.
3. Difficulties in defecating.

What causes it?
Cause of disruption of pre-eclampsia is not known with certainty until now. However, it is often assumed that pre-eclampsia occurs because the immune system is problematic and caused pinched blood vessels so that the flow of blood vessels in the placenta becomes disrupted.

What harm?
Raised blood pressure can cause organ failure and rupture of blood vessels in the brain which eventually can cause death.

How to handle?
After the diagnosis, the doctor usually will control blood pressure and check? Other organs such as kidney, heart, lung, liver, eyes, brain and nervous system because of feared disruption in the function of these organs. In addition, the examination will be conducted also on the condition of the fetus. Examination that determines the action to be taken, whether the pregnancy will be extended or? Forced? discontinued.

What if symptoms have not disappeared?
When the diagnosis was still not able to control the pre-eclampsia, the doctor will give magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), which is an anti-seizure medications. The goal is to prevent eclampsia (seizures caused by poisoning of pregnancy), which advanced the condition of pre-eclampsia which indicate the involvement of the brain organ.

What effect eclampsia?
Eclampsia can cause disturbance in the function of other organs in pregnant women. In addition, the delivery of oxygen from the placenta through the umbilical cord to the baby also will be constrained so that the baby does not get oxygen maximally, which can ultimately lead to developmental disorders when the baby is born.

Could it be prevented?
Necessary to prevent antenatal eclampsia is through the control so that if symptoms arise early pre-eclampsia, it could be prevented and taken action so there were no matters that are not desired.

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