Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sex On Teen

Sex On Teen
Sex On Teen
Sexual behavior are all forms of behavior motivated by sexual desire, whether carried out with the opposite sex or same-sex.

The forms of this behavior varied, ranging from feeling interested, dating, making out to having sex. Anyone who becomes a sex object? Can people (both similar and opposite sex), people in a fantasy, or self.

Some of this behavior has no impact, especially when no physical impact to the person concerned or the social environment. But some sexual behaviors (conducted prior to the time) it can have very serious psychological impact. For example it can lead to guilt, depression, anger, and gresi. While the impact of psychosocial arising from sexual behavior among others, mental tension and confusion over the social role that the sudden change, for example in the case of teenagers who become pregnant out of wedlock.
1. Pressure from the people who denounce and reject these circumstances.
2. Disturbance of the relevant health
3. Risk of fetal abnormalities and high infant mortality rates.
4. Dropout rate of teen pregnancy is also very high. This caused embarrassment for adolescents and their families, and school refusal to accept any student who was pregnant out of wedlock.
5. Economic issues also play a role and make this problem become more complicated and complex.

Various sexual behavior in adolescents who have not the time to have sex fairly among others known as:

Masturbation or masturbation
It is the habit of manipulating the genitals in order to channel the sexual desire for the fulfillment of pleasure that often lead to personal and emotional shocks.

By performing various sexual behaviors, such as light touch, holding hands to the kisses and touches of sex.

Various activities that lead to the gratification of sexual impulses
Failure showed a man in control and divert it to the encouragement of other activities which in fact can still be done.

Urge or desire for sexual intercourse always appear in adolescents, therefore if there is no suitable distribution of (married), then efforts should be made to provide understanding and knowledge about it.

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