Sunday, May 2, 2010

Danger Negative Mindset

Danger Negative Mindset,overthinking,negative thought,negative thinking,negative thoughts,negative attitude,negative feelings,negative emotionsnegative positive
Danger Negative Mindset
Negative thinking is a pattern or way of thinking which is more inclined on the sides of the negative than the positive. This mindset can be seen from the beliefs or views expressed, the way a person being, and everyday behavior. Because of the negative side is more dominant, no wonder if this way of thinking fulfilled a priori attitude, prejudice, mistrust, suspicion, and doubt, often without any basis or no reason at all.

Negative thought patterns are also visible from the way someone looked or respond often ignore the issues of rationality, logic, facts, or relevant information. However, rationality can also fall within the framework of negative thoughts. That is, a person can consciously take advantage of rationality, logic and thinking skills to look at an issue negatively.

The cause of this kind of thinking is the perception that construction is based on belief systems, worldview (paradigm), or the way we understand a problem. Because this mindset is paradigmatic, then any data, facts, or our perception of information will be adopted in accordance with the paradigm. If the paradigm is a conflict, then what emerges is conflictual perceptions, both offensively and defensively. Meanwhile, if the paradigm of harmony, the dominant perceptions even more harmonious in character, to integrate, synthesize, and anticonflic.

In everyone, contain something by experts of psychology called self defense mechanism, namely a tendency to defend itself from what we perceive as something that attacks or potentially impede the achievement of our desires. One option to defend themselves is by being offensive or attack behind the stalker. Adverse impacts from our easy to think negative is the difficulty we accept other people's opinions, it is difficult to accept the new, hard to socialize, and often appears as a person who is less attractive for the cooperative.

The pattern of negative thinking is not solely focused on the outside world alone. Negatifisme also worked internally or to attack ourselves. This can be seen from the beliefs, perception of self, or the way we look to ourselves that give rise to negative self-image. Example: look at yourself as a no talent, has many weaknesses, mentally retarded, or fared less fortunate.

Negative self-image is not a form of self-perception that is formed in an instant. This perception appears and embedded bit by bit, accumulated based on the types of events or life experiences that we experience. For example, in an occasion that we experience the irreverent treatment of a person. On another occasion, again we are treated poorly by the other party. Then within a little while ago, we turned back to get treatment is not as we expected. So then the question arises in us, what I really deserved to get treated like this? ? Then, little by little come the perception that our lives are less fortunate. Perception glance it could become permanent if the frequency of occurrence of underlying events that are often repeated.

This negative self-image and then will make us become a person who is very ineffective and difficult to grow into a better direction. Take the example of self-perception we do not have the talent. This perception may bear on our tendency to not want to explore our hidden talents. In fact we tend to deny the existence of this hidden talent, and ultimately make us lazy or reluctant to increase the talent to hone our skills. From this mistaken assumption that our self-development process to be pursued.

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