Thursday, December 31, 2009

Benefits of watermelon seeds

Benefits of watermelon seeds cardiovascular disease hypertension cholesterol sunflower seeds polyunsaturated fats linoleic acid anti-inflammation osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis phytosterol phytochemical
Benefits of watermelon seeds
Who does not know the watermelon seeds? Almost all have to eat a light snack on this one. Apparently, although a small shape, but many nutrients are beneficial for our body health. Nutrients in watermelon seeds are able to ward off cancer, improve and / or prevent cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and reduce levels of bad cholesterol.

Watermelon seeds from sunflower seeds. Plants that come from Mexico and Peru since the year 1700 and then spread to many countries. Flower plants were then cultivated on a large scale in Germany, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Hungary and the United States.

Sunflower plants originally cultivated as an ornamental plant. Later watermelon seeds and used as a source of oil for cosmetic products. Sentra sunflower cultivation in the area of Central Java and East Java.

Watermelon seeds are a source of healthy fat (unsaturated), almost 90%, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, proteins and phytochemicals, which is very good. In addition, sunflower seeds contain polyunsaturated fats (linoleic acid) and single (oleic acid), a type of fat that protects the heart. Clinical studies show that foods high in unsaturated fat better than low-fat foods, because of increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad cholesterol).

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ageless Secret Want to Know?

 Ageless Secret tomatoes free radicals premature aging ultraviolet rays procollagen antioxidant lycopene stroke heart disease
Ageless Secret
The answer is, eat tomatoes.
Often, people do not like to eat tomatoes. Usually, they are always separate the tomato found in food. In fact, besides tomatoes contain vitamin c which helps remove free radicals in the body, according to some experts, the tomato is also a powerful combat premature aging.

Some British researchers have found that adding the tomatoes are cooked into the food each day to improve the skin's ability to protect themselves from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Researchers at the University of Manchester and University of Newcastle found that adding five tablespoons of tomato paste on a daily diet of 10 volunteers can help avoid skin damage by providing protection against effects of ultraviolet light. The damages are premature aging and skin cancer.

In one study, researchers gave 10 volunteers as much as 55 grams of standard tomato paste which contains high levels of cooked tomatoes and 10 grams of olive oil each day, while another 10 participants are given only olive oil.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tomato Seeds Prevent Heart Disease

tomato juice seeds stroke heart disease antioxidants anti-inflammatory carotenoids citric acid Carbohydrate carbohydrates Fat fatty acids Proten Tomatoes detoxification juice therapy lycopene
Tomato Seeds Prevent Heart Disease
You like to drink tomato juice but often discard the seeds? Perhaps after reading this article that habit must be changed.

Based on research conducted by Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, found that the liquid or slippery yellow jelly around the seeds contained tomato mixture containing compounds or materials that are effective against stroke and heart disease.

When you drink tomato juice without throwing the seeds, then you have reduced the risk of blood clots around 72%, so you can be protected from heart disease.

Tomatoes contain:

1. Vitamin C
Contain antioxidants that are useful for helping dispose of free radicals in the body.
2. Tomatine
Efficacious anti-inflammatory, carotenoids and citric acid. If tomato rubbed on the face, the content of citric acid can help remove the dirt and grease, which can be used as a natural acne medication with just rubbed it gently on her face.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

8 Stage Achieve a Healthy Pregnancy

Healthy Pregnancy pregnant nutrition Recommended Daily Allowance or Recommended Daily Intake RDA non-pregnant mother protein folic acid iron Calories energy blood vessels metabolic processes Folic Acid folate low birth weight infant hemoglobin red blood cells placenta fetus zinc substance Fetal calcium hormone secretion collagen
Healthy Pregnancy
It feels so happy when you hear good news from the doctor who says you are pregnant. But apparently, the pregnancy for the mother is not easy. Women experience morning sickness usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, swelling in the feet and face (or often called a moon face), to emotional changes.
Because of this, my mother who is pregnant should also keep the nutritional intake of food into the body. Diet and healthy lifestyle can help the growth and development of a healthy fetus in the womb of Mother.

Planning nutrition for pregnant women should refer to the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance or Recommended Daily Intake). Compared to non-pregnant mother, the need for pregnant women will increase to 68% protein, 100% folic acid, calcium and iron 50%, 200-300%. The recommended food groups, which must include six protein-containing foods (animal-vegetable), milk and other dairy, breads-grains, fruits-vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, dark green vegetables, fruits and other vegetables.

Here are steps that must be food for the mother noticed the development of a healthy fetus.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sleep disorders in children

Sleep disorders in children growth hormone sleep deprivation Normal sleep Infant sleep
Sleep is essential to human activities especially for children. Consider the needs of the child to sleep, because during sleep, infant brain growth reaches its peak. Not only that, muscle, skin, heart and vascular system, metabolism, and bone growth in his sleep. That's because children's body produces growth hormone three times more than when she awoke.

Referring to one study Sekartini et al in 2004-2005 in five major cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Palembang and Batam), Rini reveal, as much as 72.2 percent of parents think sleep problems in infants is not a problem or just a minor problem.

The same study also revealed that there were about 44 percent of infants who experience sleep disorders such as frequent waking at night and sleep deprivation. "The baby is said to experience sleep disturbance at night when less than 9 hours sleep, woke up more than 3 times and duration of awakening more than 1 hour. During the visible always fussy baby sleep, cry and difficult to fall asleep again," said Rini.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Causes of sleep disorders

Prevention cause sleep disorders Sleep time psychological condition food allergy insomnia food allergens somnambulisme night-terror  nocturnal myoclonus Nocturnal myoclonus Autism Gastrointestinal disorders asthma alergi Skin disorders Muscle pain, bone Electrical disturbances tryptophan fibromyalgia manifestation casein hydrolyzate soya milk
How to recognize sleep disorders in children?

Sleep time in children is said to have not a normal situation if:
1. Children awake for 3 or more times in one night or several nights. Or at least four times a week under such interference exists.
2. In her sleep outside the usual activities, move children to sleep on the bed's parents
3. Child refuses to sleep at least 30 minutes during sleep time, sleep begins to start a little angry or agitated.
4. In initiating sleep aid should be required before parents can sleep when their own.

In addition, parents must also consider the psychological condition of children by improving the pattern of care, quality of touch, and identify your temperament and environmental factors must be supportive. Because sleep is a learned behavior that can be formed through the routine and good sleep habits.

Science and research on sleep problems in children, still not much is revealed. So it is still unclear revealed the cause of sleep disorders in children. Various conjectures and assumptions developed in response to sleep disorders in children. Various causes are often called emosial state-psychological disorders, high fever, stress or disrupted sleep position.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Anti-Stress Foods

Anti-Stress Foods high-calorie sweet foods Grilled chicken beef dopamine norepinephrine magnesium zinc substance serotonin Pantothenic acid anadamin feniletilamin free radicals antioxidants
Once the stress? Stress has become part of our society today, especially for people who live in big cities (which is included in the Metropolitan category). Various problems that cause stress can easily be found in these cities.

What is the solution? often our hands will reach for ice cream or a sweet candy to immediately relieve stress. But the result, of course, many people do not want to feel the consequences which arise because of the high-calorie sweet foods this. Maybe you do not believe, that in fact the best way to deal with stress is to help our brain to move more calmly and patiently.

Grilled chicken and beef
Grilled chicken will provide good protein. 200 grams of protein will help your brain create dopamine and norepinephrine, a natural chemical in the brain that will make you stay alert, says Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., author of The Serotonin Power Diet. Meanwhile, although the meat contains fat, but also contains vitamin B, iron and zinc are very rich in substance, thus being good for your stress.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Impact of Alcohol

alcoholic negative impact negative effects body metabolic system Alcoholic beverages beer soda alcohol Blood alcohol concentration neurological alcoholism alcohol's effects
Consuming alcoholic beverages now like to be part of the lifestyle of some communities in Indonesia. Starting from a mere trial and error, many of which then finally hooked with this one type of beverage.

So far, the negative impact of excessive alcohol consumption the most widely known is drunk alone, and that too may disappear by itself. But it turned out negative effects not just stop there. Not just cause drunk, but alcohol also has other negative effects to the body. Impact of high alcohol-containing beverages in humans are destroying the human body's metabolic system which then caused damage to some elements of addiction and the brain.

Alcoholic beverages have different levels. For example, beer and soda alcohol (1-7% alcohol), wines (10-15% alcohol), and liquor or referred to the spirit (35-55% alcohol). Blood alcohol concentration is achieved within 30-90 minutes after drinking.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic cervix vaginal stadium chemotherapy radiotherapy cauliflower HPV types esophagus rectum Mucosal type genital HPV chicken's comb esophageal cancer anal sex oral sex dormant virus cervical cells pre-cancerous cells cancerous HPV vaccine
Cervical cancer also called is a type of cancer that 99.7% is caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic, which attacks the cervix. This cancer can present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms of this cancer did not appear until the cancer entered the stadium even further. In developing countries, widespread use of cervical observation programs reduce the incidence of invasive cervical cancer by 50% or more. Most studies have found that infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for all cases of cervical cancer. Treatment including surgery in early stages, and chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy in end-stage disease.

One of the traces of HPV is a wart virus attack. Wart is a skin rash in the shape bulging like cauliflower. HPV virus itself is a lot of that stuff (more than 100 kinds) who were each given a number to distinguish one type to another. 60 types of which cause skin warts are not dangerous. The rest is a mucosal HPV types, which only attack the mucus membranes such as those found at the mouth of the esophagus, the tip of the penis, vagina, cervix, and rectum. Mucosal type is also called genital HPV, because that is the area most often sexually assaulted. There is cause warts in the vagina or penis, commonly called the disease "chicken's comb", is HPV types 6 and 11, but this will not become cancerous.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sudden anxiety Arrivals

Sudden anxiety Arrivals pounding dizzy flying tension muscles neck behind head Panic symptoms Divert attention panic attacks Muscle tension physicians psychiatrists
Have you ever felt a sudden pounding, dizzy flying, tension in the muscles of the neck behind the head, and sometimes it feels like choking?

An anxiety panic disorder is characterized by recurrent panic attacks emergent (unexpected) as the result of intense perception irrational or excessive. Patients as if trapped in a dangerous situation extraordinary. The situation is causing fear and discomfort.

Panic symptoms and the factors that can arise due to panic can be read here.
Some ways that you can handle a panic, among others:

1. Divert attention, by stopping the negative thoughts when they arise, and divert it to things that are more useful.
2. Reduce activities that could cause a panic seemed to appear.
3. Breathing exercises to manage when the panic attacks came back.
4. Gradually learn to cope with events that can make you feel panicky. Do not avoid them continuously.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Depression depressed Organobiologis brain neurotransmitters Psikoeducation Socio-environmental depressive
Depression is a condition in which a person becomes so low ida for a long time and feel sad prolonged. He also became more irritable, and empty.

Someone who felt depressed were significantly reduced so that energy can not do anything , lazy, saw with a negative outlook, sees no longer valuable, and as if no end. Caution because depression is one of the main causes of suicide.

Cause of a condition of depression include:
1. Organobiologis factor because an imbalance in brain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin

2. Psikoeducation because of the pressure load factors psychological, behavioral learning effects of a social situation

3. Socio-environmental factors such as loss of spouse, job loss, post-disaster, the impact of everyday life situations other

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Working Breast Produce Milk

Mother's Milk estrogren hormone Sex hormone estrogen pregnant women breastbone pregnancy hormone prolactin somatomamotropin acini lactalbumin laktoglobulin hormone prolactin Prolactin inhibiting hormone (PIH) hormone progesterone levels colostrum hormone oxytocin breast milk
Mother's Milk  is produced from a collaboration between the hormonal and neural factors. This alone is enough magic. Come browse from scratch. Start from estrogren hormone. Sex hormone estrogen is a hormone produced by the uterus to stimulate growth of sex organs, such as breast and pubic hair, regulate the menstrual cycle. The hormone estrogen also plays a role maintaining the texture and function of the breast. In pregnant women, the hormone estrogen makes breast nipple enlarge and stimulate growth of breast glands. In addition, the hormone estrogen to strengthen the uterine wall during contractions before delivery.

Breast itself consists of a collection of glands and fatty tissue that lies between the skin and breastbone. Glands in the breasts will produce milk after a woman giving birth. Milk glands called a lobule that form milk-producing lobes or sacs. There are 15 to 20 milk-producing sacs on each breast, which is connected with the collected milk ducts in the nipple. The inside of the breast consists of fatty tissue and fibrous tissue that are interconnected, which binds her breasts and influence the shape and size of the breast. There are also blood vessels and lymph nodes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Puerperal Gymnastics

Puerperal gymnastics parturition pregnancy
Puerperal gymnastics is rarely done by mothers who have been doing labor. There are at least three reasons why people do not do it. First, because they do not know how gymnastics parturition. Second, because so happy and thought only child. Third, think of gymnastics, to get up it hurts.

Actually it is easy to do gymnastics parturition. Postpartum mothers do not have to perform various movements. Most just sit and cross-legged. In fact, when you still feel pain, while lying down can be done any gymnastics parturition. Not easy, because no one could be built.

But before doing gymnastics parturition, first consider your birth process. If the process of normal deliveries in the first days post partum could do gymnastics. Of course if you already feel strong doing it. If not, you can delay 2-3 days later. When she felt strong enough, you can begin to do so.

These conditions vary with people through the delivery process of the operating processes. If you make the delivery process with the operation, it can not directly do puerperal gymnastics as a normal birth process. You must wait until strong enough and no longer hurt when moved. Ask your doctor when to begin to do gymnastics parturition.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Low-Fat Diet and Diabetes

weight loss diabetes makronutrien low-fat diet
Based on this research shows low-fat diet did not reduce the incidence of diabetes. Dr. Lesley from Seatlle says that weight loss is the dominant predictor for reduced risk compared diabetes makronutrien composition.

This research team has analyzed the 46,000 women aged 50 to 79 years who suffer from diabetes. 18,376 people were randomly assigned to intervention measures and the remaining 27,511 included in the control group. Dietary intervention was conducted purpose is to provide 20% energy from fat, which is accompanied by the provision of vegetables or fruits as much as 5 or more servings each day. Both groups were not given target to lose weight or exercise activities.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tai Chi

beneficial Tai Chi meditation
Tai Chi is a gesture that combines breathing exercises and meditation. Tai Chi is taken from ancient martial arts. Tai Chi is essentially harnesses the power of yin (which comes from the earth) and which (who came from the sky). These forces are then combined through physical exercises, to form a movement formation that provides balance and harmony.

Tai Chi is beneficial to increase flexibility and strength, make breathing more powerful. Nevertheless, research conducted in the Netherlands in fact dubious efficacy of Tai Chi Tai Chi, especially if linked to prevent falls in the elderly.

Tai Chi can improve balance by performing a series of exercises are conducted regularly.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When you Menopause

menopausal symptoms Menopause hydrogenated oils caffeinated beverages alcohol
American Medical Association recommends that women who will or already entering menopause should consume foods low in fat and rich in fiber kana, such as for example fruits, vegetables, and foods made from whole grains.

Avoid saturated fat commonly found in meat and dairy products, also experience the process of hydrogenated oils, such as that contained in malanan many fast-food or food in the packet.

Some women who have tried to avoid alcohol or caffeinated beverages has been successful in reducing grekuensi feeling or intensity of hot flashes.

for women who had entered menopause should try a variety of options other protein sources besides meat, such as soy beans, legumes, low-fat milk prosuk. But that must be remembered, low-fat products (fat-free) are not always healthy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bone mass

bone mass
Single bone mass measurement in the usual sections measured (forearm, heel, fingers, hips, or spine) estimate the overall risk of bone fractures in women. Bone mass measurements also predict the risk of certain types of osteoporosis fractures. Including a place on the wrist, upper arm, hips and other body parts.

Sections of bone were measured can be an important factor, such as measured bone mass at the hip to give a more approximate results for hip fractures compared with the measured bone mass at other body parts. Bone mass and fractures closely connected. For example, if if a woman hip bone mass 20% below normal for his age, he has a 7 times greater risk for hip fractures than women who had hip bone mass 20% above normal for his age.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

For Pre-Teens Parents

For Pre-Teens Parents
Toward that adolescence is a time full of challenges for the child's relative. Tanjamkan your instincts so baby do not trip over a variety of negative influences from the environment.

Being a parent of a child who was growing up means preparing a variety of unexpected things, such as bullying. Bullying is an act that interfere with, oppress others normally undertaken by the stronger party. Bullying common in the school environment. Although impressed trivial, but has a serious impact mental development. In fact, sometimes accompanied by the emergence of various physical complaints.

In addition, the speed is so rapid technological developments also bring positive and negative influence for children. Technological sophistication to make choices more varied types of video games. As a parent, you pelu know the danger if the child against the video game craze has been mencapi level of addiction.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Early menstruation About The Age

Early menstruation
Menstruation (menarche) that appears early age is generally associated with short. Similarly, published by American Journal of Epidermiology.

In a lengthy study conducted over 37 years by 61 thousand Norwegian women born between the late 1800s and 1920s. The researchers found that women who begin menstruation earlier have a risk of death more quickly.

Found that those who were menstruating at the age of 10 years / 11 years, at risk of death 10% faster than the women who started menstruating at the age of 14 years. The back, the first woman to menstruate at the age of 15 years and over have a risk of dying young is lower. This remains valid after socioeconomic factors and body weight also considered.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Emotions in adolescence

Emotions in adolescence
Adolescence (ages 12 to 21 years) known by the storm and stress. During this emotional upheaval, followed by rapid physical growth and psychological growth.

In adolescence, there are several phases:
1. Phase of early adolescence (ages 12 years up to 15 years).
2. Phase of the mid-teens (ages 15 years to 18 years).
3. Phase of late adolescence (ages 18 to 21 years).
4. Phase of puberty (age 11 or 12 years to 16 years), is a short phase and sometimes become problematic for adolescents in the face.

Puberty is the overlap between childhood and adolescence, so that difficulties exist in this period can cause difficulties in dealing with adolescent phase of further development. In these phases, adolescents experience changes in hormones work system (the body) which gives a good impact on the physical form (especially the sexual organs) and psychological, particularly emotional.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Amniotic fluid embolism

Amniotic fluid embolism
Amniotic fluid embolism or EAK (amniotic fluid embolism) is a very rare case. His case between 1: 8,000 to 1: 80,000 births. Even by the year 1950, there were only 17 cases ever reported. After 1950, the number of reported cases increased slightly.

EAK is the entry of amniotic fluid and its components into the maternal blood circulation. The components of the existing elements in the amniotic fluid, such as fetal skin layers apart, hair fetus, fetal fat layer, and mucin or viscous liquids.
EAK generally occurs in cases of abortion, especially if done after 12 weeks of gestation. Can also when amniocentesis (a diagnostic action by taking a sample of amniotic fluid through the abdominal wall). Pregnant women who experience trauma / severe conflict of EAK also potentially threatened. However, EAK cases most often occur precisely at birth or shortly after childbirth (postpartum).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Aggression and The causes

Aggression and The causes
Aggression is defined as a fight with a very strong way, like fighting, hurt, attacked, killed, or punish others. In sum, aggression is an act that is intended to injure or damage property of others. Aggression is a response to anger. Disappointment, physical pain, humiliation, or threats provoke anger often followed by aggression. Ridicule, insult and a provocation of the sniper threat against the anger that leads to the occurrence of aggression.

Some biological factors affecting aggressive behavior:

1. Genes
Genes influence on the formation of brain neural systems that govern the behavior of aggression.

2. Brain systems that are not involved in aggression was able to enhance or inhibit neural circuits that control aggression.