Sunday, July 18, 2010

Varicose veins and Prevention

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Varicose veins and Prevention
A study shows that genetic factors or the offspring are likely to be the main cause Varies. So it's not because a lot of walking or diet, as found in previous research. Varies this problem is not only the monopoly of women. Men can also be affected. Both men and women belonging to a tall and overweight have a higher risk to experience.
Although genetics play a role, basically bluish stripes (can also be colored with a reddish or skin) that is quite disturbing appearance caused by enlargement of vessels. There are two versions of vessel enlargement. Small vessels called spider veins enlarged. Often appears in the form of thin lines do not stand out in your calves and face. The form can be like a cobweb or a tree branch.

While the larger type is called viricose veins or varicose veins. It looks like mine that stands out on the skin surface are often reversed in the leg or inner thigh. These bumps are caused by blood collecting in veins.

Pregnancy, hormone therapy, consumption of birth control pills or puberty has a share in the emergence of varicose veins. Habit of wearing stockings are too tight or underwear that is binding at the waist or crotch should be stopped

As a result of pressure, body weight and gravity to make the vessels in the calf carry heavier duty in transporting blood back to heart. That's why spider veins or varicose veins are often found in the calf. Symptoms can be similar to arthritis, such as ache, tiredness, swelling to taste in the calf, sometimes accompanied by itching or irritation.

In addition to heredity and hormonal changes caused by both natural factors and drugs, the factor of age (50 years and over) are also at increased risk. Quite vulnerable are pregnant women, because it dramatically increased the amount of blood in the body causes the blood vessels involved bigger. But usually varicose veins in pregnant women can return to normal several months after delivery.

Actually there are ways to reduce the risk of varicose veins is to wear special stockings to reduce the appearance of varicose veins are enlarged blood vessels.

Most importantly, keep your weight at a normal threshold. Do not very often wear high heels. Also sitting crossed legs habits should also be avoided. Do not forget to consume fiber-rich foods and avoid anythng too salty because salt can hold water and cause swelling.

Therapy is most often used to treat varicose veins is called injection method with sclerotherapy. A very thin needle is injected into the blood vessels causing fluid to enter the vessel walls to swell, docked and closed. That way, in a few weeks away from the skin surface varicose veins.

If fear of needles, there are also therapy with a loser who can gradually make the calf back smoothly. In addition, there are a number of other options even though the risk of recurrence of varices was always there. Consult with your doctor which one is best. Of course if the varicose veins have not felt to interfere too, such as swelling or irritation, it would be better if the conduct preventive measures are closely related to healthy lifestyles.

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