Monday, June 28, 2010

Body Odor Make Not Comfortable!

Body Odor Make Not Comfortable!
Unpleasant body odor that is often caused problems, but it can be prevented as long as we diligently maintain cleanliness of the body. Actually, where did the body odor and how can I fix this?

Our sweat is produced by two glands, the glands accrine and Apocrine glands. Accrine sweat glands produce a clear and odorless, issued as a baby, and usually appear on the hands, back, as well? Forehead. While there Apocrine glands in certain places, especially in the hair root zone, such as the armpits, genitals, and inside the nose. Apocrine glands are active after puberty.
Accrine gland discharge that contains a lot of water and odorless. Fluid's function is lower body condition at a particular time. While Apocrine glands contain saturated fatty acids with more viscous and oily liquids.

Actually, the liquid produced by glands Apocrine only smell of fat. However, because in every strand of hair, there is one Apocrine and contains bacteria that play a role in the process of decay, hence arises the smell of body odor. Sometimes there are people who have a greater Apocrine glands, so that a greater sweat production and spoilage bacteria are also more.

The smell of body odor is also influenced by genetic factors. However, it does not guarantee 100%. What's important is how to always maintain the cleanliness of the body. Cleaning the body starts from the clothes we wear, regularly clean the body or bath two times a day, and preserve the food we eat.

Armpit hair also plays a role raises body odor. Medically, armpit hair extending surface serves to regulate the evaporation of sweat. At the base of the hair, there are many pores into the mouth of the sweat glands to drain into the armpit sweat. Fur around the genitalia can also make a bad body odor, but because of its distance from the sense of smell, the smell that emerged was not so perceived. As long as we always maintain the cleanliness of the body, the body odor will not appear. Because, if the sweat produced Apocrine glands are removed, bacteria is not going to make the process of decay.

The condition of one's soul, such as stress or emotion, is actually also affects Apocrine glands work more effectively and productively, thus exacerbating the body odor. Another factor is obesity triggers body odor. In overweight people, tend to sweat trapped between the folds of skin.

If the gland Apocrine sweat a little but we do not clean it and then mixed with bacteria, body odor will occur in our bodies. Especially if you often eat high protein foods such as meat goat (because it can dilate blood vessels), durian, fried onions, smoking, alcohol, and antibiotics.

Many methods are used to remove or disguise the smell of body odor. Currently, quite a lot of body odor remover products are sold in the market, ranging from deodorants, drugs and drinking, and powder. In addition, there are botox injections and surgery.? How the most secure and efficient to eliminate? Body odor actually very easy and inexpensive. Always clean the armpit with an antiseptic soap every time the shower. After bathing, dry with a towel, a tissue or dry cloth and provide information on antiseptic powder. In addition, consumption of fruits, vegetables, and drinking water can cause the sweat becomes more dilute so? Body odor to be reduced

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