Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Some Reasons Why Someone Easy Fainting

Why Someone Easy Fainting
They are easy to pass out is often considered a weak heart. Moreover, frequent heart pounding. Though wearing tight clothes and collars could be bad. The cause of the incident a person could easily collapse due to a lack of heart in order and also several external factors. Especially if we do not have a history of heart problems or heart disease risk factors as well as a very young age.

Most cases are not for the faint of heart abnormalities are known to be caused by hypersensitivity of the vagus. Vagus nerves of the brain is the tenth part organs in the body and is very influential on the heartbeat frequency.

Fainting originated partly from the tendency of accumulation of blood in the veins under the effect of gravity. That causes the amount of blood returning to the heart is reduced so that the bulk of blood to the heart and blood pressure decreased the sistolic. To overcome the impairment, abnormal reflexes arising form the increasing frequency and strength of contraction of the heart to restore bulk to the heart to the previous levels.

In someone who is hypersensitive, the increasing strength of contraction was in fact activate the mechanical receptors in the left heart chamber wall, which raised the frequency of the reflex that causes a slow heart rate, peripheral blood vessels widen, and low blood pressure (hypotension) so that blood flow to the affected nervous system .

To prevent in order not to faint, was still mild when symptoms such as pounding heart feels, try to move the legs or feet, and occasionally a small cough. Sometimes these ways can be helped more by shifting our attention for a moment.
If in this way does not also decrease symptoms, but rather began issuing a cold sweat and my head was floating, we better immediate squatting, sitting, or find a place to lie down so that the leg can be raised higher than his head. Usually within a short time will feel more comfortable and recover, especially if coupled with fresh drinks.

Conversely, if we should help people who had passed out, should do the following practical tips. Lay the patient in bed with his head tilted. Be careful not to position the head elevated. Loosen tight clothing so that blood flow is not interrupted. If necessary, dropped into cold water on the forehead or neck to accelerate the recovery of consciousness. Never give anything by mouth if the patient is unconscious.

To prevent the occurrence of circumstances which are not easily collapse due to cardiac abnormalities can be done with exercise such as jogging, cycling, swimming, or dynamic exercise that strengthens leg muscles. If fainting is clearly caused by cardiac abnormalities, suppose to consult a cardiologist for examination and treatment more precise.


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