Monday, June 14, 2010

Lactose Intolerance

lactose intolerance,lactose intolerant,
Lactose Intoleranc
You often get diarrhea just as they often consume milk? Almost 95% Asians, 10 to 15% Caucasians, 50% and 75% Mediterranean nations black race suffers it, that is intolerance to lactose (Lactose intolerance).

Lactose intolerance is the condition of someone who is not able to digest lactose, a form of sugar derived from milk. The inability or lack of it can be caused not capable body to produce lactase, the digestive enzymes produced by cells in the intestine that break down milk sugar duty into a form that is more easily absorbed by the body. This condition is also called lactase deficiency (lactase deficiency).

In some cases, there are children born without the ability to produce the enzyme lactase. However, such conditions have naturally improved over time until age 2 years, where the body begins to 'learn' to produce lactase little by little. So do not be surprised if in adulthood, the symptoms of lactose intolerance can be gradually disappearing.

Lactose-containing products

Apart from milk and other dairy (like cheese and butter), lactose is often added to various food products. Lactose intolerance sufferers should know what food products that might contain lactose, even in very small quantities. Some products may contain lactose, namely:

1. Bread, biscuits, pastries, and similar
2. Breakfast cereal
3. Instant soups and breakfast drinks
4. Margarine
5. Salad dressing
6. Candy and confectionery like
7. Supplement dosage
8. Creamer for coffee
9. Instant processed materials (mix) for pancakes, biscuits, and similar
Symptoms of lactose intolerance

Lactose is not digested will accumulate in the large intestine and fermented, causing intestinal disorders such as abdominal pain, cramps, bloating and carbonated, and diarrhea, approximately half an hour to two hours after eating lactose products. The symptoms were often mistaken for gastrointestinal disorders. Severity depending on how much lactose can be tolerated by each body. These symptoms are similar to milk allergy, but in case of allergy, symptoms occur more quickly.

If someone suffering from lactase deficiency did not avoid products that contain lactose, over time the person will lose weight and suffer from malnutrition.

Although lactose intolerance is not spelled out conditions hazardous to health, but the condition of the patients was quite disturbing. Therefore, people with lactose intolerance should learn to sort out any food or drinks are allowed and should not be consumed.

For older women at risk for osteoporosis or children who are in growing age are forced to avoid products containing milk, hence their calcium needs can be met from a lot of consumption of green vegetables, fish, and calcium-rich product that is free of lactose.

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